Salmon fishing
Sooke has some of the finest Salmon fishing on the West Coast of British Columbia. We have every species of Pacific salmon pass through our waters. Our Pacific Salmon are known worldwide for their firm delicious red/orange flesh.
Fishing with Us
Sooke is a resting or holding spot for Pacific Salmon at all times of the year, from April- October mature Salmon must pass through our waters to migrate back to their home rivers. From November – March we have large numbers of juvenile salmon 6-20 lbs that just sit off our beaches gorging themselves on herring and needlefish.
Sooke has every species of salmon at once in our waters from the end of June – sept.
If you are looking to pursue the large Chinook salmon reaching weights of up to 60 lbs the best time to target them in our waters are from June-Sept, this is when large numbers of these fish pass through to local rivers.
We have a fabulous fishery in sept-November for large Coho Salmon these fish are lingering around in big numbers just holding waiting to enter nearby rivers and creeks. These fish fight hard jumping and often times biting every bit of gear we have in the water all at once.